I don’t know what’s going on. Just a few short weeks ago I was sick and had to sit out of my daily photographing activities for a coulple of days (as well as lose out on a weekend). After four or five days I was feeling much better so I went back to my hectic schedule.
Well, I’m sick AGAIN! I’m just getting over the worst (hopefully) - a terrible sore throat as well as a nasty and constant cough. The cough isn’t as constant now but just as nasty. (A few times I’ve nearly blacked out while hacking myself silly.)
While sitting in my illness-induced isolation from the world I’ve come to realize that I like not having to deal with the general public. Just sitting around creating white blood cells and sweating (because, of course, the interior of my house runs close to 90 degrees with the air conditioning on) has really made me happy as a clam… well, a sick clam who takes impromptu “naps” on the kitchen linoleum after coughing fits.