Saturday, March 3, 2007


The above is a posting from this week's PostSecret. (If you don't know about PostSecret, you should. Go here.)

Noticing that on the receipt that you can make out both "CA" for the state as well as the beginning of what looks like "Sacramento" for the city, I did a search for the name of the hotel here in the city.

Lookie what I found!!!!

Someone from Sacramento has been naughty....

Thursday, March 1, 2007


Over the last 24 hours, the blog has had a flurry of visitors all searching for the same thing - Jeff Landay. (You can read my previous post on Jeff and the event held in his honor here.)

Last night, one of the local TV stations did an update on his progress back to health. I didn't get to see the piece myself but, in the teaser clips in commercials I saw a young man that is coming along quite nicely. When I photographed him a few short months ago he was so skinny and almost... frail. Having a massive head wound can do that to you, I guess.

Last night, the kid looked absolutely ripped! Well, not body builder ripped - but he's put on weight and just looks like he's progressing so well. (The clip I saw had him doing some sit ups with a physicail therapist and he was just cranking along!)

I'm really excited for him because he seems like a genuinely nice guy and what happened to him just seemed so unfair.

Later today (when I get home from shooting) I am going to put together a slideshow of the evening at Club Aqua for everyone to look at. Most of these pictures haven't been seen before so it'll be a new look at a truly inspiring night...

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