Monday, June 30, 2008

Bummed out...

So, I had to turn down a shoot with Maxim Magazine today. Muy malo. Well, back to work...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

What up, Chris?

The original GHOST FACE KILLAH!!!!


Think about this - that the Wall-E movie was a story about the bible and the eventual second coming of Jesus. I was thinking about it last night and there are a lot of things that support that idea. Here are a couple of points - some with more credence than others (and make no mistake - I am not preaching - these are just thinks that I have noticed that matched up between the bible and the movie I saw last night):

Jesus/WallE = 5 letters each

Both died and were "resurrected" after dying for people's "sins" (in the movie the people's sin was sloth).

Both "saved" humanity because of their sacrifices.

In the bible the Earth was created in 7 days; in the movie the Earth was ready for moving back to on the 700th anniversary of humans leaving for space.

The girl's name was "Eve" (obvious allegory to Adam and Eve)

"Eve" carried life (the plant) inside of her and, because of it, became the de-facto mother of humanity.

The 2 fat people that "woke up" from their stupor on the ship were named... JOHN and MARY!!!

I'm sure there are more but I need to investigate more thoroughly...

Friday, June 13, 2008

I Really Outdid Myself This Time

Because of this I know I am in the right business...