Sunday, June 7, 2009

A couple of winners...

That's me on the right with the winner of 2009's Celebrity Chef Challenge - Head Chef and Owner of Tuli Bistro Adam Pechal. I photographed the event on Friday night and accosted Adam shortly after his win for my self-portrait +1. His food looked GREAT and I'm looking forward to trying his place out... I would have by now but moving to the 'burbs has hampered my Downtown eating time.

... sweet Rubicon, how I miss you...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Doug HATES Chickens

This is Doug and he hates chickens. He actually is my boss's husband (not to mention quite a looker, too) and he was contributing his male modeling expertise for a promo shoot for the InAlliance Celebrity Chef Challenge being held June 5 in Sacramento. Had a blast photographing him as well as a few of the contestants for this year's soiree. More great pictures will be coming soon - I just HAD to post this one ASAP!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Celebrity Chef Challenge

(Photo is mine - just to lazy to not use my istockphoto version!)

So, after a few year's break I'm heading back to the Celebrity Chef Challenge as their event photographer! Here's some info I ganked from their website:

On Friday, June 5, 2009 from 5:30-9:30pm the 7th annual Celebrity Chef Challenge will pit five local professional chefs and one amateur competitor in a head to head battle to determine “whose cuisine reigns supreme,” all to raise funds for individuals with developmental disabilities.

InAlliance is a great organization and I'm glad to be working with them again. Also, this year's event is going to be at the Towe Auto Museum - one of my favorite places!

For tix and info head over to

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Relanch Soon!!!

Over the last two weeks in between the birth of my daughter, Gabriella, and a metric ton of tests at school I have been working on a new look for my website. I'm VERY close to getting it finished and am very excited about it.

I am hoping that I'll get it finished by the end of this weekend. All I need to do now is to post images from a few of my weddings and I should be ready to go. Keep checking back - !!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Amazing Pictures

This Eastern European (is it un-p.c. to say Russian anymore?) website shows off some war-time photography mixed via photoshop with present day photographs of the same surroundings. Very moving - I just wish I knew the Crylic alphabet so I could read what in the hell it all is about.

Nice to look at anyway.

Click here to see and (not be able to) read.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Mr. Bo... Jingo?

What the hell is going on. Within the last four days I have seen this term -> "Jingoistic" <- pop up all over the internets - everywhere from articles to comment boards. This word, by the way, is one I have NEVER heard in my 30-flurerer years on this planet. The problem is that the people using it don
t really know what it means. Take this comment from a Yahoo news article about the apparent lack of coverage of Jamaican runner Usain Bolt's big-time win last week in favor of US swimmer Michael Phelps:

What's the surprise? The Nothing But Crap network has a proud tradition of jingoistic(Devin bolded this) coverage of events. If there is not a big American story, it gets relegated to the broadcast backwater or ignored entirely. NBC should be ashamed, but if 40 million people are stupid enough to watch their awful coverage things won't change.

That's nice - except that jingoism is defined as "extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy". Where in the context of the comment above does the aggressive foreign policy appear Sounds like someone liked the sound of a word without bothering to figure out what is actually meant.

I am calling it right now: "Jingoism" will be the new buzzword for 2008. CATCH IT!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Bummed out...

So, I had to turn down a shoot with Maxim Magazine today. Muy malo. Well, back to work...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

What up, Chris?

The original GHOST FACE KILLAH!!!!


Think about this - that the Wall-E movie was a story about the bible and the eventual second coming of Jesus. I was thinking about it last night and there are a lot of things that support that idea. Here are a couple of points - some with more credence than others (and make no mistake - I am not preaching - these are just thinks that I have noticed that matched up between the bible and the movie I saw last night):

Jesus/WallE = 5 letters each

Both died and were "resurrected" after dying for people's "sins" (in the movie the people's sin was sloth).

Both "saved" humanity because of their sacrifices.

In the bible the Earth was created in 7 days; in the movie the Earth was ready for moving back to on the 700th anniversary of humans leaving for space.

The girl's name was "Eve" (obvious allegory to Adam and Eve)

"Eve" carried life (the plant) inside of her and, because of it, became the de-facto mother of humanity.

The 2 fat people that "woke up" from their stupor on the ship were named... JOHN and MARY!!!

I'm sure there are more but I need to investigate more thoroughly...