This is one of two pictures that ran in Out Here Magazine’s Fall issue that helped illustrate a story about the (possibly) World’s Largest Chicken Egg that was laid in Smartville, California this past summer. (The egg was 6.4 ounces which blows the previous record holder’s 5.6 ounces out of the water.) I got a call early one morning from the editor asking if I’d be able to head up ASAP and shoot the egg for her mag. I was STOKED - this is exactly the kind of thing that Charles Kuralt (one of my personal heroes) would have covered!!!
Sixty miles later I ended up on the doorstep of the Peterson family, the group that owns the chickens that laid the egg. Because of the light-bluish hue of the egg’s shell, they know it was one of three Araucana hens that they have. (The Araucanas are well known for their ability to produce tinted egg shells.) None of them were the worse for wear, though. I kept my eye on each one and none were walking funny.