Thursday, January 4, 2007

New Tools Part 2...

Yeah - so, new monitors suck. After I meticulously worked on the brightness and contrast levels to FINALLY have a properly calibrated monitor, the computer went ape sh*t on me and decided that I should look at everything in contrasty black and white.


So, I ended up breaking down (after working on the problem for the last week) and buying a Spyder2Express. The S2E (as I like to call it... well, not really) is a monitor calibrator. You plug it in, set the little eye dohickey on the screen of the monitor and let it do it's thing.

10 minutes later - perfectly calibrated monitor!

Good side - now prints are dead on all the time.
Bad side - $70 for the S2E that I'll use maybe twice.

Hey, anyone wanna buy a used monitor calibrator?

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