She knows what its about...
Contest for Photographer's Forum Magazine.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Mr. Bo... Jingo?
What the hell is going on. Within the last four days I have seen this term -> "Jingoistic" <- pop up all over the internets - everywhere from articles to comment boards. This word, by the way, is one I have NEVER heard in my 30-flurerer years on this planet. The problem is that the people using it don
t really know what it means. Take this comment from a Yahoo news article about the apparent lack of coverage of Jamaican runner Usain Bolt's big-time win last week in favor of US swimmer Michael Phelps:
That's nice - except that jingoism is defined as "extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy". Where in the context of the comment above does the aggressive foreign policy appear Sounds like someone liked the sound of a word without bothering to figure out what is actually meant.
I am calling it right now: "Jingoism" will be the new buzzword for 2008. CATCH IT!
t really know what it means. Take this comment from a Yahoo news article about the apparent lack of coverage of Jamaican runner Usain Bolt's big-time win last week in favor of US swimmer Michael Phelps:
What's the surprise? The Nothing But Crap network has a proud tradition of jingoistic(Devin bolded this) coverage of events. If there is not a big American story, it gets relegated to the broadcast backwater or ignored entirely. NBC should be ashamed, but if 40 million people are stupid enough to watch their awful coverage things won't change.
That's nice - except that jingoism is defined as "extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy". Where in the context of the comment above does the aggressive foreign policy appear Sounds like someone liked the sound of a word without bothering to figure out what is actually meant.
I am calling it right now: "Jingoism" will be the new buzzword for 2008. CATCH IT!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Bummed out...
So, I had to turn down a shoot with Maxim Magazine today. Muy malo. Well, back to work...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Think about this - that the Wall-E movie was a story about the bible and the eventual second coming of Jesus. I was thinking about it last night and there are a lot of things that support that idea. Here are a couple of points - some with more credence than others (and make no mistake - I am not preaching - these are just thinks that I have noticed that matched up between the bible and the movie I saw last night):
Jesus/WallE = 5 letters each
Both died and were "resurrected" after dying for people's "sins" (in the movie the people's sin was sloth).
Both "saved" humanity because of their sacrifices.
In the bible the Earth was created in 7 days; in the movie the Earth was ready for moving back to on the 700th anniversary of humans leaving for space.
The girl's name was "Eve" (obvious allegory to Adam and Eve)
"Eve" carried life (the plant) inside of her and, because of it, became the de-facto mother of humanity.
The 2 fat people that "woke up" from their stupor on the ship were named... JOHN and MARY!!!
I'm sure there are more but I need to investigate more thoroughly...
Jesus/WallE = 5 letters each
Both died and were "resurrected" after dying for people's "sins" (in the movie the people's sin was sloth).
Both "saved" humanity because of their sacrifices.
In the bible the Earth was created in 7 days; in the movie the Earth was ready for moving back to on the 700th anniversary of humans leaving for space.
The girl's name was "Eve" (obvious allegory to Adam and Eve)
"Eve" carried life (the plant) inside of her and, because of it, became the de-facto mother of humanity.
The 2 fat people that "woke up" from their stupor on the ship were named... JOHN and MARY!!!
I'm sure there are more but I need to investigate more thoroughly...
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Re: My last post (that should be below this);
Nevermind. Just listened to their whole album and they suck. They didn't use CAKE as an influence - the Flobots totally bit their whole sound off em. It's like if you put RATM and Cake in a blender and chopped them up with a bit o' bleach mixed in, then poured your concoction out on a screen to dry and turn into a papery recycled mess.
I DID like Handlebars... but bothered to look online where they had two separate versions of videos for the song. One (before they were signed) was a cool animated/graffitied piece about revolution. The newest one (made once Universal picked them up) is a childishly (literally) made video with kids... who act like mean adults!
Yuck. I wish John McC. would strike them down with his heavenly sword...
I DID like Handlebars... but bothered to look online where they had two separate versions of videos for the song. One (before they were signed) was a cool animated/graffitied piece about revolution. The newest one (made once Universal picked them up) is a childishly (literally) made video with kids... who act like mean adults!
Yuck. I wish John McC. would strike them down with his heavenly sword...
I'm calling it now:
Flobots for the win in 2009. You heard it here first... although it sounds like they owe CAKE a bit of a shoutout.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Busy, Busy Night
Tonight was Mikuni's "M5" Party celebrating the Downtown Mikuni's 5th year of being open. There was fun galore to be had and I was there to photograph it:

More coming soon. I'm trying to go to sleep at a respectable hour and if I play any more with these then I'm gonna end up being a Tired Timmy tomorrow!

More coming soon. I'm trying to go to sleep at a respectable hour and if I play any more with these then I'm gonna end up being a Tired Timmy tomorrow!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Was just thinking about this...
I do think that music helps form who you are - especially if you are exposed to it at an early age. Through your early experiences, it shapes how you perceive the world overall. I remember the first music album I ever bought/received. My mom, on a whim, bought me U2's Rattle and Hum on cassette tape from K-Mart as a gift.
I remember taking it back, still wrapped in it's protective anti-shoplifting plastic cage (they used to put the tapes in these things and YOU would have to cut it out, thank you very much), and trading it in for the soundtrack to Weird Al Yankovich's UHF.
I think that explains everything.
I remember taking it back, still wrapped in it's protective anti-shoplifting plastic cage (they used to put the tapes in these things and YOU would have to cut it out, thank you very much), and trading it in for the soundtrack to Weird Al Yankovich's UHF.
I think that explains everything.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Getting the Ball Rolling

I hate winter for photography. It has been quite rainy around Sacramento for the last month or so and I HATE having to be wet and uncomfortable while I am in turn trying to keep my equipment toasty and dry. Even the sunny days are shitty cold and usually windy. I think I had enough of that during my newspaper photography days...
The above pictures were taken for an art show where the only rules were that you had to find the crappiest camera possible to photograph with. I found this beautiful 2 MP beauty circa 2001 and hit the street on one of the before mentioned cold/windy days. Yuck.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
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