Thursday, May 15, 2008

Re: My last post (that should be below this);

Nevermind. Just listened to their whole album and they suck. They didn't use CAKE as an influence - the Flobots totally bit their whole sound off em. It's like if you put RATM and Cake in a blender and chopped them up with a bit o' bleach mixed in, then poured your concoction out on a screen to dry and turn into a papery recycled mess.

I DID like Handlebars... but bothered to look online where they had two separate versions of videos for the song. One (before they were signed) was a cool animated/graffitied piece about revolution. The newest one (made once Universal picked them up) is a childishly (literally) made video with kids... who act like mean adults!

Yuck. I wish John McC. would strike them down with his heavenly sword...

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