I entered the "Best of College Photography 2007" contest this year on a lark - I saw the entry forms in my Photoshop class and grabbed one. I had actually forgot about it until three or four days before the deadline! I quickly had some prints made and asked my beautiful wife Rainey send them out for me.
A few months later I received the above letter in the mail letting me know that I was a finalist chosen out of the original 28,000 entries!! Grand Prize is a new camera and $1000 - man, that would come in handy about now (camera and cash both).
My chance of winning, based on odds alone, are still pretty slim. They culled the top 5% of the 28,000 for possible winning and that still means that I'm up against roughly 1400 other photographers. Who knows, maybe I'll be chosen. Allegedly I'll find out withing the next few days if I placed so think good thoughts for me!
Related Tags: devin, bruce, photography, contest, best, of, college, 2007, sacramento, serbin, photographer, forum, magazine
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